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Thoughts from the Doc…

Learnings, musing, teachings, as well as tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful times with kids, or just moments when you’re feeling reflective.

  • Parents in crisis

    According to a 2023 survey by the American Psychological Association, 41% of parents report that most days, they feel so stressed they cannot function, while 48% say most days their stress is completely overwhelming. Why is this happening, and what can we do about it?

  • Productivity For Parents #3

    An inviting and irresistible vision of your future outcome is absolutely key to being successful with any progress towards a goal that will require some degree of discomfort to achieve…

  • Productivity blog #2

    A few weeks back I posted about cleaning out your email inbox. If you missed that, please check out the YouTube video here. This week, I’m going to be writing about a tool I’ve been using for a few months that has been…

  • Let’s talk screen time…

    I think we should give kudos to iPads, they’re pretty freaking awesome. I mean, seriously, they operate as a computer, mail service, a video phone, newspaper, magazine, a camera, a television, a library, a translator…

  • The fun of aging...

    I’m thankful to know this, as it provides me the motivation I need to make sure I don’t delay scheduling the recommended screens each year. Many women (and men) delay the medical care they should …

  • Hey y’all. It’s summer, and the days are long when the kids aren’t in school, am I right?

    Hey y’all. It’s summer, and the days are long when the kids aren’t in school, amiright? So here are 5 playful weeknight adventures …

  • Productivity That Matters Requires us to Change. Change is Hard…Until You Know How.

    Here’s the paradox I was chewing on when I wrote it: I’m responsible for my own happiness AND…

  • Building a Gratitude Habit

    In his wonderful book “Atomic habits”, James Clear discusses how we can use research to our advantage when it comes to building habits that will lead to positive change in our lives.

  • Age-Appropriate Chores: Building Responsibility From Toddlerhood to Adolescence

    Building on my prior blog about the importance of chores, I want to give some examples of …

  • Kids and Money

    For those of you wondering the best way to teach kids about money, I highly recommend the book “The opposite of spoiled” by Ron Lieber. It’s a thoughtful approach to guide parents about…

  • Resources to Talk With Kids About Suicide

    As May is mental health awareness month, I want to talk about the toughest of all mental health outcomes - a child’s death by suicide. Just last month, a local teen…

  • 6 Reasons to Give Kids Chores

    First, kids doing tasks around the house is a behavior parents like and want to see more of. That makes chores “category 1” behaviors, as I outlined in my last video and blog about influencing our kids’ behavior.

  • Breaking Down Behaviors

    When it comes to our kids’ behaviors, let’s be honest - they are often baffling! I encourage you to simplify your thoughts and approach to your kids by thinking of their behaviors in three categories: Things you like and would...

  • Talking With Kids About Cancer

    This weekend I was at a work retreat with my husband, and got to talking with a fellow psychiatrist who treats patients with cancer. She asked me to create some content to help parents with cancer think about…

  • What Worries Parents in 2023

    A heads up, this blog post will be discussing a survey that asked parents about difficult, and sometimes violent topics that their kids might experience, so you may want to skip this blog post if that’s not a topic you…

  • On Being “Enough”…

    In my work as a psychiatrist, I have helped countless patients work through things that make them feel “stuck” - anxieties, fears, worries. When we would dig down to explore what lay under these feelings, the common…

  • Parenting Styles on a Spectrum…

    Psychologists who study parenting often write and describe three broad parenting styles, which fall on a continuous spectrum. On the one end, there are “permissive” parents.